A young Dutch woman (1966) travels to the capital city of Sudan in 1995, after she had worked a short time at the Dutch embassy in the Egyptian capital Cairo. After her studies in Near Eastern languages and cultures at a Dutch university she is now ready for her next job. She will work at … Continue reading Review VERLANGEN NAAR KHARTOEM


This is a collection of 42 stories by Aly Simpelaar about the time she and her husband spent in a rural area in the south eastern parts of Benin. Benin is a tiny state in West Africa. In olden days the country was named Dahomey. Aly and her husband worked for a missionary organization with … Continue reading review BIJZONDER BENIN


Ten years later. And he still has a special place in his mind and in his heart for those days in Tanzania.  He worked in that country as a medical doctor and he has returned to work in a church-run hospital. This time he travels to Ndala, in the northeast of Tabora. It seems that … Continue reading review VIJFTIG MAANDEN ZWAAR


For a period of four years the Dutchman Ad Groen worked as a medical doctor in a mission hospital located in Turiani. This place is situated in the northeast of Tanzania. He was recruited by a Roman Catholic NGO, named Memisa. Ad Groen has managed to put down those four years in a very readable … Continue reading review WAT WEET IK ER EIGENLIJK VAN?


On behalf of a Dutch Broadcasting Corporation the two writers of this book stayed a few months in Ghana. Once a week they made a radio broadcast on the situation in Ghana. The small book is a collection of stories they wrote during their stay. Ofcourse you wil find a visit (inescapable) to the former … Continue reading review STANDPLAATS GHANA

the white-saviour industrial complex

Just imagine: A young girl from a middle-class background in a western country is collecting money for a good purpose. She uses her facebook contacts, she tweets about it. She wants to spend her holidays in an African country to help orphans. At the end of her period she recounts that she wanted to make … Continue reading the white-saviour industrial complex